Ah, the buzz words, double cleanse...if you're anything like me, then this sounds like an extra chunk of time you don't have. Adding yet another step to the already-lengthy-nightly-routine, as if I need any help with sleep deprivation, let's hang out in front of the mirror longer, to double down on your face that you already cleansed...hah!
Okay, I'll be honest. After further investigating, I realize how absurd it is to put the power of removing an entire days-worth of makeup and grime onto just one makeup wipe. Nevermind any possible sweat build-up from workouts or just living through a humid Missouri summer. Besides the fact, back in my single-cleansing routine; I was exfoliating, adding oils, taking all of the correct steps, without truly removing all of the gunk sitting on top of my skin first...ew. What a waste of product! So, learn from my mistakes, take the extra time, do the double cleanse, help your products help you!
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